Our School Mission

We at The School of Integrated Learning, MS 354, guide our community individually and collectively towards success by making good choices that address academic needs and enhance social development, while awakening and nurturing interests and talents.

Our School Vision

Our vision for The School of Integrated Learning is to form a “Professional Learning Community” where as a “team” we do “whatever it takes” to ensure academic and emotional success for our students and all members of our families and school community.

Our Creed

At The School of Integrated Learning Middle School 354, we believe in the regenerative power of education.

Like our symbol the Phoenix, we rise brilliantly from the ashes of our ignorance. Knowing that success comes through resiliency, we will always follow the rules, make good choices and learn something new everyday.

Instructional Focus

To strengthen the instructional core, the principal will provide all staff with professional learning on research based practices, strategies, and protocols aligned to student needs in order to increase the rigor of instruction, and engage students at high cognitive levels.


We will ensure a deep understanding of the concepts by providing students with ample opportunities for inquiry, discourse, critical thinking and engagement in collaborative activities to become knowledgeable global citizens.

School Goals

Goal 1

By June 2023, students will increase 3% from 57% to 60%, including SWD’s and ENL’s, based on NYS ELA assessment and/or school wide benchmark assessments.

Goal 2

By June 2023, students will increase 5% from 31% to 36%, including SWD’s and ENL’s, based on NYS Math assessment and/or school wide benchmark assessments.

Goal 3

By June, 2024, for All Students with a level 2 score will Decrease 10%, from 75% to 65%, as measured by New York State ELA Examination and or School-wide benchmark Assessments (or I-Ready)

Goal 4

By June 2024, Economically disadvantaged (ED) students scoring level 1 will decrease 10%, from 44% to 33%, as measured by NYS Math assessment and/or MAP/IREADY.

Goal 5

By June 2024, chronic absenteeism will decrease for all students by 8%, from 37% to 29% as measured by ATS Attendance data.

Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow