"Families and teachers might wish that the school could do the job alone. But today's school needs families, and today's families need the school. In many ways, this mutual need may be the greatest hope for change."

- Dorothy Rich

Dr. Monique Campbell

Hi I am Dr. Monique Campbell the founding principal of MS 354 The school of Integrated Learning.
Our school is a vibrant community where students are encouraged to explore their passions, challenge themselves, and develop into lifelong learners.
At MS 354 we believe that every student has the potential to succeed. Our dedicated faculty strives to create a supportive and inclusive atmosphere that fosters curiosity and academic excellence. Together, we work to empower our students, instilling in them the values of respect, responsibility, and resilience.
We understand that education is a partnership between the school, families, and the community. I invite you to be actively involved in your child’s education, as your support is vital to their success.
Please explore our website for information about our programs, events, and resources available to our students and families. I look forward to a successful year ahead, filled with growth, achievement, and wonderful memories.

Warm regards,
Dr. Campbell

Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow